Expand Eat Fruits and Vegetables to Reduce The Delay of Menstruation (part 3)

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Expand Eat Fruits and Vegetables to Reduce The Delay of Menstruation (part 3)
Expand Eat Fruits and Vegetables to Reduce The Delay of Menstruation (part 3)
Expand Eat Fruits and Vegetables to Reduce The Delay of Menstruation (part 3)

Whenhealthy - The following article is a continuation of a previous paper, about the delay in menstruation.

Besides the issue of irregular periods, other things that often interfere with women is pain before menstruation or during menstruation. It was like heartburn mixed cramps when the blood was out. This pain is something fair for women, because the uterus was contracting or shrink to remove a blood clot.

This pain is more pronounced in women who have never given birth. Because the cervix they are still small, so it felt like a woman giving birth. This also is something normal. Except for women who are very sensitive, which it feels could be excruciating. However, usually after getting married and having children these feelings will disappear slowly.

However, if the pain is very pronounced and prolonged, needs to be aware of the possibility he suffered endometriosos. In this case, the cells inside the uterus grows outside the uterus. For example, in the ovaries or fallopian tubes are very painful.

If the pain before menstruation so hurt until such crippling, you should see a doctor immediately. Especially for those who have intercourse, because it may be a symptom of infection. Well, if there is internal genital organs sticking a result of these infections, the impact can be difficult to have children.

Dizziness during menstruation is also a natural thing. Because the woman before menstruation usually experience pre-menstrual tension or tension before menstruation. Its effects include feeling depressed, spotty, breast pain, body ache, stomach felt bloated, swollen, there is pain. So, be more irritable or otherwise and other emotional changes.

All of it, it's perfectly natural and harmless. To reduce this uncomfortable condition, recommended reducing foods that contain lots of salt, seasoning, or contain too much oil.

So the solution is Expand eat fruits and vegetables, enough oil-containing foods. Expand eat fruits and vegetables, enough foods containing carbohydrates and high in fiber.

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