Early Signs You're Pregnant (part 2)

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Early Signs You're Pregnant (part 2)
Early Signs You're Pregnant (part 2)
Early Signs You're Pregnant (part 2)

Whenhealthy - The following article is a continuation of a previousarticle, about the early signs of pregnancy.

Nausea or Vomiting
Feeling of nausea in the morning is the classic signs of early pregnancy. Most of nausea was begun about four to eight weeks of pregnancy, but vomiting can be started in two weeks after conception.

Although nausea and vomiting during pregnancy is commonly known as "morning sickness", but in fact could happen anytime. It appears this happening because of the drastic increase in estrogen levels produced by the placenta and fetus. This hormone causes the stomach to empty more slowly, which may lead to the occurrence of this problem.

Pregnant women are also known to be more sensitive to smell, so a variety of smells like "perfume, coffee, cooking, or cigarette smoke" can trigger nausea or even vomiting.

Do Not Like or Want to Eat Certain Foods (Cravings)
Turning your nose from a particular food is usually the early signs that you are pregnant. Even the smell of certain foods can cause nausea in early pregnancy.

One study suggests that pregnant women usually do not like the smell of coffee in the early weeks of pregnancy. Meat, dairy products and spicy foods are common objects disliked women during pregnancy.

Food cravings are also common during pregnancy. As well as other symptoms of pregnancy, the desire to eat certain foods can be caused by hormonal changes.

Pregnant women often experience changes in appetite, especially at the beginning of the semester, it is the result of hormonal changes that are still very strong.

Frequent Urination
Many pregnant women find that they become more frequent trips to the bathroom than usual. This happens In the first pregnancy, this is due to the enlarged uterus pressing on your bladder.


If you are pregnant, you may be troubled by frequent mild headaches. In the early days of pregnancy, a headache could be caused by the increased blood circulation caused by hormonal changes.

Be continued to the next article about pregnancy.

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