Are You Really Pregnant ? (part 3)

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Are You Really Pregnant ? (part 3)
Are You Really Pregnant ? (part 3)
Are You Really Pregnant ? (part 3)

Whenhealthy - The following article is a continuation of a previousarticle, about the early signs of pregnancy.

Constipation or bowel obstruction is one early indicator of pregnancy. An increase in progesterone causes digestion to slow down, so food passes more slowly through the gastrointestinal tract, which can lead to constipation.

Change of Mood
You are not the type of women who are sensitive at first. but the influx of hormones in your body in early pregnancy can make you weepy. Changes in mood from happy to sad too common, especially in the first trimester (12 weeks).

Feel Dizzy
Feeling dizzy or even feeling drift common in pregnant women. This sensation is usually the result of a change in circulation when the blood vessels in your body dilate while your blood pressure decreases. In early pregnancy, dizziness can also be caused by low blood sugar.

Basal Body Temperature Increases
Your basal body temperature is the temperature taken orally when you first wake up in the morning. This temperature will be slightly increased after ovulation and remains at that level until the next menstrual period.

If you've been charting your basal body temperature to determine when you ovulate, then you will see that the increase for more than two weeks is a sign of pregnancy. And in fact, basal body temperature will remain high throughout pregnancy.

So, Are you really pregnant?
Unfortunately, the early signs and symptoms of the above / previous article devoted not only to indicate pregnancy. There are some that indicate that you are sick or menstrual period will begin.

Or even reverse, you could be pregnant without experiencing signs and symptoms as above.

However, it would be nice if you see any of the signs that exist on this list, so please test yourself with a pregnancy test, especially if you do not record your menstrual cycle or if your cycles are always shifting away from one month to the next.

And also do not forget to keep yourself. Who knows you really were pregnant.

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